Movie News

Need Full Liquor Ban-Siva kumar
Updated on : 18 May 2016

Actor Sivakumar after casting his vote said to media, "For past 5 years, more than 1 Crore people have became drunkards. 50 Lakh people have died. You all write news about rapists. The root cause of rape is 'Liquor'. Even a 400ml if Liquor will give a power to do wrong deeds.


No use of giving freebies after taking innocent lives. So let any Government win. But try to impose liquor ban at once. If not, the whole Tamil Nadu will be shattered into pieces. Death toll rises due to this liquor.


I humbly request you all once again to impose an immediate ban on liquor. If you can't, at least try to ban it step by step. But kindly make a ban on Liquor."


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