Movie News

Remo Will Be Soon Molded By Rockstar
Updated on : 22 February 2016

Siva Karthikeyan's upcuming project was titled as 'Remo'. Siva Karthikeyan fans were very much disappointed as there was no new First Look from the team. But fans were so satisfied with the title. 

PC Sreeram for Cinematography and Anirudh for Music and right now this was the technical team officially announced

And Rightnow RockstraAnirudh has tweeted and confirmed that the Audio of this project will be releasing on September. The composer tweeted, 

"My next album to release will be #REMO :) @Siva_Kartikeyan and my 4th film together :) #A12 .. Audio in summer 2016 :)" 

The composer also announced that he will conduct a live in concert at Dubai for the first time. He tweeted, "Happy to announce that #AnirudhLive goes to Dubai for the first time on April 29 2016 !@BrandAvatar"

Let his next album for the movie "Remo" be a new hit in his musical history.


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