Movie News

Simbu Appears In Coimbatore For Court Hearings
Updated on : 22 February 2016

Its been a long time period that simbu is being tied up with "Beep Song" contervasy and still there is no end card for this.Keep on going this song issue makes simbu's carrier dull and mhis market too weak.

Chennai High Court has already sent a summo to simbu to appear before court and to give valid explanation about this issue before24th of February and the he was asked to appear before Coimbatore Police.

Then with his official lawyers Simbhu has requested anticipatory bail and  Judges have denied that request and they have asked STR to provide a valid explanation.

So to end this issue and to put a fullstop for this, Simbu today appeared before Coimbatore Police. While answering to media Simbhu said  "I answered their question, God will take care of the rest".

Will all hope him to be recover from this issue soon and back agian in screen for his lovable fans.


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