Movie News

Jungle Book Market Dense Higher
Updated on : 24 February 2016

The next big project for this year more expected is to said to be 'Jungle Book'. Already there has been more expectations as the movie is getting early release in India. The movie is decided to visual by two mode 2K resolution and also in 3D.

Actress Trish recently in her tweet says about the movie

"she can't wait for the movie|"

Now this movie also has hiked expectations and the business is going huge than expected. Yesterday the distribution rights for Kerala owned by Global United Media company.

From the source we heard that three leading production companies are fighting and eager  to get rights for the movie. The movie releases on  April 8th.

And for this Summer vacation, it will definitely bring more kids to theatres. So with respect to that, many distributors are showing interest to purchase the rights of the movie.

Lets all be ready to get a ride over a jungle.


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