Movie News

I Feel Sorry Says Actor Siddharth
Updated on : 24 February 2016

'Jil Jung Juk' a new jonour black comedy movie released on February 12th and despite the catchy ads and promos, the movie does not achieve its target but movie can't be labelled as flop. Runs and enjoys audience in a average manner. 

Siddharth in his recent tweet on microblogging page says,  

 "For all those of you who loved #JilJungJuk Thank you. Those who didn't love it, sorry. Those who didn't see it, sorry but no thanks!" This tweet has got both praises and haters from fans. However Siddharth, as always keeps muted response. 

Now he joins up with Director Deerja once again and tweeted as , 

 "#Etaki Entertainment was set up to make new age cinema. 

Lets all be tie up with Saga to get more news about the new project.


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