Movie News

Kanjakaruppu Planned To Campaign
Updated on : 06 March 2016

Comedy actor Kanja Karuppu doesn't have any notable movies in current situation and  not even any big releases this year. The actor even produced a movie titled 'Velmurugan Borewells' and as it bombed at Box-office he got trapped in financial issues. 

So in this case, he has decided to campaign for any political party this year. Regarding this he said,

 "I am not running out of opportunities. It is clearly a false news. I am still getting more opportunities. 

I always have a plan to campaign to any political party ate election time. It would be interesting to meet people in person and have a conversation with them. So far none of the parties invited me.

I am ready to campaign for any party which invites me. I am more interested in campaigning than showing interest on a particular party."


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