Movie News

Election Commission Has Aprroached Rajinikanth
Updated on : 10 March 2016

Tamil Nadu assembly polls was planned to held all over  on May 16th and right now the whole state has came under control of Election commission. Rajesh Lakoni who is the Election commissioner has promised that this election will be occurred in a peaceful manner. 

Also campaigning regarding elections are happening in every corner. During campaign, it was being stressed that everyone should vote and no one should sell their votes for money and so on. 

To make awareness over the people and to ensure to poll a right member, government has already released some short films. Apart from this, Election commission have requested lead actors like Rajini, Kamal, Suriya, Nayantara to act in an advertisement. 

Suriya already completed an election campaign ad and Nayantara agreed to act in it. Rajini is just keeping muted response and once again Election commission has sought his help in order to act in this advertisement.


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