Movie News

Hip-Hop Aadhi tour to Souther districts
Updated on : 18 April 2016

Hip-Hop Aadhi is one of the most famous young composers in Kollywood. He started his career as a live performer and slowly he became a leading composer in Tamil cinema. In this case, now Aadhi has stepped into shoes of a Director. 

This is not for a feature film. It is for a short film and it is about Tamilan's 'Jallikattu'. Regarding this, Aadhi said, "I was on a tour to Souther districts and I have shot all information regarding Jallikattu sport. This whole short film is about Jallikattu and Bulls. The whole short film will run for a span of 9 minutes. 

At the same time this is not a documentary. We also have placed a song in this short film. In that we have stressed the factor that this sport should not be banned. We will release the movie online next month."


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